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Current Research Rates

Research Rates are approved on an annual basis. The following rates have been approved for the period: July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025:

2024-2025  West Side Research and Extension Center rates:


FULL COST Per Acre Research Rate  $5150.17 per acre

NON-UC RESEARCH COST Per Acre Research Rate *$7,004.23 per acre

UC RESEARCH COST Per Acre Research Rate **$3,811.12 per acre


FULL COST Direct Research Hourly Rate $60.51 per hour

NON-UC RESEARCH COST Direct Research Hourly Rate *$82.29 per hour

UC RESEARCH COST Direct Research Hourly Rate ***$36.91 per hour


FULL COST Per Acre Foot Water Rate $717.06 per acre foot

NON-UC RESEARCH COST Per Acre Foot Water Rate *$975.20 per acre foot

UC RESEARCH COST Per Acre Foot Water Rate ****$534.20 per acre foot


* A Non-University fee of 36% is added to the Full Cost Rate for Non-UC Research.

**ANR-WSRC is providing funding to fund down the full cost rates at 26% for UC Researchers for 2024-2025

*** ANR WSRC is providing funding to fund down the full cost rates at 39% for UC Researchers for 2024-2025

**** ANR WSRC is providing funding to fund down the full cost rates at 25.50% for UC Researchers for 2024-2025

If you have questions, contact Karen Motley at 559-884-2411 ext 201 Email: kmmotley@ucanr.edu